Edit: I WAS CURED AFTER 22 YEARS! I had a vestibulectomy Dec. 2016. The recovery was easier for me than having sex ever was. It took about 5 weeks. I have included my recovery photos. Look for the blogpost "I'm Cured!" and "My Vestibulectomy".

I’m a great woman with a pissed-off vulva. I have “primary vestibulitis." Most people are uncomfortable discussing their genital pain in public. My hope is that my obsession to find help for myself will make your experience shorter, easier, and less painful. P.S. Recently "vestibulitis" has been renamed to "vestibulodynia."

Book: Explain Pain

I recently read "Explain Pain" by Butler and Moseley. While not focused on vulvodynia, it explains pain pathways and why pain persists. It is expensive and I couldn't believe my P.T. really thought I should spend the money, but I am glad I did. It A few lessons I took away in addition to a much better understanding of the biological contributors to pain:

1. Pain experiences are a normal response to what your brain things is a threat.
2. The amount of pain does not necessarily correspond to the amount of tissue damage.
3. Current pain does not mean that you are actively being damaged at this moment, but your brain has become sensitized and begins to involve all parts of your body in responding to it.
4. Management includes not just medical interventions, but how you understand of pain and how to cope, how you interpret pain, avoid pain, and what fears you bring to being in pain.

It includes detailed descriptions of how each part of your body interacts to maintain a pain experience. Having a better understanding reduced my freak-out level.

The healing modality it details does not translate to vulvodynia and the authors are working on this in consultation with pelvic pain experts.

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